

参考文献 1
Blomshield FredS. Historical perspective of combustion instability in motors: case studies[C]//37th Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, Salt Lake City, UT, AIAA: 2001.
参考文献 2
陈晓龙, 何国强, 刘佩进. 固体火箭发动机燃烧不稳定的影响因素分析和最新研究进展[J]. 固体火箭技术, 2009, 32(6):600-605.
CHENXiao‑long, HEGuo‑qiang, LIUPei‑jin, et al. Analysis of influencing factors of combustion instability in SRM and current progress[J]. Journal of Solid Rocket Technology, 2009, 32(6): 600-605.
参考文献 3
Blomshield FredS. Lessons learned in solid rocket combustion instability[C]//43rd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, Cincinnati, OH, AIAA:2007.
参考文献 4
刘佩进, 金秉宁, 魏祥庚,等. 固体推进剂非线性压强耦合响应特性分析[J]. 推进技术, 2016, 37(9):1601-1608.
LIUPei‑jin, JINBing‑ning, WEIXiang‑geng, et al. Analysis of nonlinear pressure coupled response function of solid propellant[J]. Journal of Propulsion Technology, 2016, 37(9): 1601-1608.
参考文献 5
RasmussenB, FrederickR A. Nonlinear heterogeneous model of composite solid‑propellant combustion[J]. Journal of Propulsion and Power, 2002, 18(5): 1086-1092.
参考文献 6
FavaleG, MiccioF. Modeling unsteady and perturbed combustion of heterogeneous composite propellants[J]. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2008(12):285-294.
参考文献 7
ShusserM, CulickF E C. Analytical solution of pressure‑coupled combustion response functions of composite solid propellant[J]. Journal Propulsion Power, 2008, 24:1058-1067.
参考文献 8
ShusserM, CulickF E C, CohenN S. Combustion response of ammonium perchlorate composite propellants[J]. AIAA Journal, 2002, 40:720-730.
参考文献 9
WilburC, SchonerR J. The T‑burner test method for the combustion response of solid propellants [C]//8th Joint Propulsion Specialist Conference, New Orleans, LA, AIAA: 1972.
参考文献 10
BlomshieldF S. Pressure‑coupled response of solid propellants[J]. International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion, 2011, 10(2):85-105.
参考文献 11
刘佩进, 齐宗满, 金秉宁,等. 两种含铝复合推进剂压强耦合响应的试验对比[J]. 固体火箭技术, 2013, 36(1):83-88.
LIUPei‑jin, QIZhong‑man, JINBing‑ning, alet, Experiment comparison of pressure coupled responseof the aluminized composite propellants[J]. Journal of Solid Rocket Technology, 2013, 36(1):83-88.
参考文献 12
刘佩进, 金秉宁, 李强. 战术导弹固体发动机燃烧不稳定研究概述[J]. 固体火箭技术, 2012, 35(4):446-449.
LIUPei‑jin, JINBing‑ning, LIQiang. A survey of combustion instability in tactical SRM[J]. Journal of Solid Rocket Technology, 2012, 35(4):446-449.
参考文献 13
王宁飞, 张峤, 李军伟,等. 固体火箭发动机不稳定燃烧研究进展[J]. 航空动力学报, 2011, 26(6):1405-1414.
WANGNing‑fei, ZHANGQiao, LIJun‑wei, et al. Progress of investigation on combustion instability of solid rocket motors[J]. Journal of Aerospace Power, 2011, 26(6): 1405-1414.
参考文献 14
CasalisG, BoyerG, RadenacE. Some recent advances in the instabilities occurring in long solid rocket motors[C]//47th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, San Diego, California: AIAA:2011.
参考文献 15
FlandroG A, FischbachS R, MajdalaniJ, et al. Nonlinear rocket motor stability prediction: limit amplitude, triggering, and mean pressure shift[C]//40th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 2004.
参考文献 16
BlomshieldF S, MathesH B, CrumpJ E, et al. Nonlinear stability testing of full‑scale tactical motors[J]. Journal of Propulsion and Power, 1997, 13(3):356-366.
参考文献 17
FlandroG A. Energy balance analysis of nonlinear combustion instability[J]. Journal of Propulsion and Power, 1985, 1(3): 210-221.
参考文献 18
JacobE J, FlandroG A , GloyerP W. Nonlinear energy transfer applied to data analysis in combustion instability[C]//47th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, San Diego, California,2011.
参考文献 19
JacobE J. Nonlinear triggering of combustion instability in solid rocket motors[C]//50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition, Nashville, Tennessee,2012.
参考文献 20
刘佩进, 何国强, 等. 固体火箭燃烧不稳定及控制技术[M]. 西安:西北工业大学出版社, 2015:94-100.
LIUPei‑jin, HEGuo‑qiang, et al. Combustion instability and control technology of solid rocket motor[M]. Xi′an: Northwestern Polytechnical University press, 2015: 94-100.
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QuarteroniA, SaccoR, SaleriF. Numerical mathematics[M]. Springer Science & Business Media, 2010: 554-559.
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JacobE J. A study of nonlinear combustion instability[J]. Doctoral Dissertations, 2009: 646.
参考文献 23
金秉宁, 刘佩进, 魏祥庚, 等. 基于T型燃烧器的非线性不稳定参数分析[J]. 固体火箭技术, 2016, 39(3): 301-305.
JINBing‑ning, LIUPei‑jin, WEIXiang‑geng, et al. Parameter analysis of nonlinear combustion instability based on T‑burner[J].Journal of Solid Rocket Technology, 2016, 39(3): 301-305.
目录 contents




    In order to obtain the characteristics of nonlinear pressure coupling response of solid propellants, a method for measurement of the nonlinear pressure coupling response function of solid propellants was established. The nonlinear pressure coupling response functions of three formulations of aluminum propellants were obtained. The characteristics of the nonlinear pressure coupling response of propellants were also analyzed in detail. It indicates that with increase of the trigger pressure, higher‑order frequency oscillations can be excited and the amplitude of nonlinear oscillation could be larged as well. By triggering at the both ends of the chamber, the oscillation is dominated by the longitudinal first‑order frequency, but when triggering in the chamber middle, the oscillation is dominated by the longitudinal second‑order frequency.The nonlinear pressure coupling response function is sensitive to the amplitude of the oscillation, whereas the response value near the peak frequency is the most sensitive to the change of the amplitude of the oscillation. The response value is significantly different between the second‑order frequency by triggering in the chamber and the first‑order frequency by triggering at end of the half‑length chamber. This result just verifies the method of the linear and nonlinear methods are different.

  • 1 引 言




  • 2 实验原理及方法

  • 2.1 实验原理及装置




    图1 非线性压强耦合响应函数实验装置

    Fig.1 The assembling of the experimental system

  • 2.2 外部触发激励方法

    线性响应函数测量中采用低压强(20~30 MPa)触发激励装置,目的是只能激发出振荡幅值较小的声腔轴向一阶频率。如需在T型燃烧器内产生非线性压强振荡(振荡幅值大于平衡压强的1%且多阶模态共存),需要对原有触发激励装置和方法进行改进:一方面提高触发激励压强(~80 MPa),如图2a所示;另一方面改变触发激励方式,即加入中间位置同时激励,如图2b所示。


    图2 新型触发激励装置和方式

    Fig.2 New trigger device and the way of triggering

    NOTE: a. trigger device b. trigger in the middle; of the burner

  • 2.3 测量原理及后处理方法




  • 2.4 推进剂试样


    表 1 三种固体推进剂配方成分

    Table 1 Formulations parameters of three propellant samples

    propellant sampleAP







    burning rate

    at 10 MPa




  • 3 线性和非线性实验测量

  • 3.1 线性响应函数测量

    根据线性响应函数测量方法可[11],需最少测量三个声腔基频频率的响应值,且压强振荡幅值小于平衡压强的1%。因此,三种含铝复合固体推进剂A、B、C分别在三种不同的振荡频率条件下进行测量,具体测试工况见表2;根据T型燃烧器内的工作压强、触发激励装置自身的自由容积以及一阶轴向声场的分布等参数,采用装有5 g黑火药的触发激励装置在T型燃烧器两端(end)位置触发激励,触发激励压强在20~30 MPa,T型燃烧器内产生的振荡幅值均小于各自平衡压强的1%,如表2所示。

    表 2 线性压强耦合响应函数实验测量工况及结果

    Table 2 Experimental condition and results of linear pressure coupled response function






    linear oscillation results

    first mode


    total amplitude p′/MPa




    对实验结果进行处理得到各个频率下的响应函数值并进行拟合,如图3所示。在0~1000 Hz内,三种推进剂线性压强耦合响应函数分布均呈单峰分布,但差别较大,这主要是与推进剂配方和工作压强等参数有关。其中,推进剂A的响应函数峰值较低,推进剂B的响应函数峰值高,但二者的频响范围均较窄且多集中在低频区域;推进剂C的响应函数峰值最低,但频响范围较宽且多集中在中频区域。


    图3 三种推进剂线性响应函数结果

    Fig.3 Response function results of three propellants

  • 3.2 非线性压强耦合响应函数测量

    为对比非线性响应函数与线性响应函数之间的不同,实验仍采用推进剂A、B和C在各自相同压强下进行实验测量。采用两种不同声振特性的T型燃烧器实验装置,其声腔轴向一阶频率分别约为144 Hz和175 Hz,二阶响应频率分别约为288 Hz和340 Hz,三阶响应频率约为430 Hz和510 Hz。外部触发激励装置装药量采用15 g,产生的激励压强约为80 MPa,具体实验工况如表3所示。

    表 3 非线性响应函数测量工况及结果

    Table 3 Experimental condition and results of nonlinear pressure coupled response function

    propellant sample

    T‑burner pressure


    trigger numbernonlinear oscillation results
    first mode frequency/Hztotal amplitude p′/MPap′/p)/%

    推进剂A在高压触发激励下产生振荡幅值约为0.15 MPa,约为平衡压强的2.1%,并且同时激发出前六阶振荡频率;推进剂B在激励后产生的振荡幅值约为0.12 MPa,约为平衡压强的1.2%,并且同时激发出前三阶振荡频率;而推进剂C分别采用单次1个激励和单次2个激励的方式,分别产生0.18 MPa和0.28 MPa的振荡幅值,约为平衡压强的2%和3%,并且两种激励方式均激发出前五阶振荡频率。根据文献[23]判断,高压触发激励后产生的振荡幅值均高于平均压强的1%,且同时激发出高阶振荡频率,并伴随有明显的平均压强上升,这与线性测量结果有明显的不同。因此分析认为表3中产生的振荡为典型的非线性压强振荡。

    采用2.3节的数据处理方法获得三种推进剂的非线性响应函数分布曲线,并与线性响应函数进行对比分析,结果如图4所示。在0~1000 Hz,非线性响应函数值明显高于线性方法测量的结果,尤其是高阶模态下的响应函数值增大较为显著。分析认为,响应函数的变化主要是受各阶振荡幅值的影响,线性响应函数测量方法是基于小扰动理论,即被测频率振荡幅值不超过1%,并且改变T型燃烧器长度获得不同振荡基频作为被测频率,测量结果可认为是推进剂响应特性的基本属性,该特性与推进剂自身配方和工作压强有关;而非线性响应函数测量的振荡幅值明显高于1%,且保持基频不变,高频被激发,多阶模态共同作用于推进剂燃烧,导致非线性测量结果与非线性振荡特性有密切的关系,从而改变了推进剂响应特性的基本属性,表现出与非线性振荡特性相关的应用属性。这也是采用传统线性法测量得到较为稳定的推进剂(响应函数值小)在实际发动机非线性不稳定中表现出较强的燃烧增益作用的原因所在。这一现象在非线性不稳定分析中需要特别注意。


    a. propellant A


    b. propellant B


    c. propellant C

    图4 三种推进剂非线性响应函数结果

    Fig.4 Nonlinear response function results of three propellants


  • 4 非线性压强耦合响应特性的影响规律

    为了对比非线性响应函数与线性响应函数测量结果之间的不同,并且进一步分析触发激励压强对非线性响应函数的影响规律,针对推进剂C在相同的工作压强条件下,分别采用4种不同触发激励压强和2种触发激励方式开展试验测量工作。其中T型燃烧器内的工作压强均为~9.5 MPa,振荡基频均为~175 Hz,触发激励次数均为1次,具体实验工况如表4所示。

    表4 非线性实验触发激励实验工况

    Table 4 Nonlinear experimental of trigger conditions

    No.trigger pressure p / MPapower mass / gtrigger position
  • 4.1 触发激励对压强振荡特性的影响分析

  • (1)触发激励压强的影响

    1#~4#对比了不同触发激励压强对压强振荡特性的影响,其结果如图5所示。由图5可以看出,触发激励压强增大,总振荡幅值越高,尤其是触发激励压强超过100 MPa时,总振幅值变化显著。振荡幅值从约0.04 MPa(约0.416%)增大到约0.45 MPa(5.6%)。对每个工况的压强振荡进行FFT分析,获得各阶声振荡频率的幅值信息。当触发激励压强较小时(20~30 MPa),振荡幅值主要以声腔轴向一阶基频幅值为主,二阶和三阶幅值微弱;而随着触发激励压强的增大,更高阶模态被激发出来,振幅相应增大,但一阶基频幅值仍是最高;当触发激励压强达到约150 MPa时,前五阶模态的振荡幅值被激发出来,产生振荡幅值较大。


    图5 触发激励压强对声振幅值的影响

    Fig.5 Effectof the trigger pressure on the oscillation amplitude


  • (2)触发激励方式的影响

    2#5#对比了不同触发激励方式对非线性振荡特性的影响,其结果如图6所示。单侧高压触发激励(2#)产生的总振荡幅值明显高于中间位置激励(5#)产生的幅值;其中,2#振荡中的轴向一阶频率的振荡幅值约为0.035 MPa,二阶频率的幅值约为0.009 MPa;5#振荡中的轴向一阶频率的振荡幅值几乎为0,二阶频率的幅值约为0.015 MPa。分析表明,在T型燃烧器两端触发激励产生的振荡是以轴向一阶频率为主,而在中间触发激励产生的振荡是以轴向二阶频率为主。


    图6 触发激励位置变化对振荡幅值影响的结果

    Fig.6 Effect of the trigger position on the oscillation amplitude

  • 4.2 触发激励对响应函数的影响分析

  • (1)触发激励压强对响应函数的影响

    71#~4#响应函数测量结果,其中1#采用线性法获得的结果,并作为基准结果与其他结果进行对比分析。在0~1500 Hz内,所有工况测量得到的压强耦合响应函数分布均是呈单峰分布。随着触发激励压强的增大,各个频率下的响应函数值均呈增大的趋势变化,尤其在峰值附近频率的响应函数值变化最为明显,振荡幅值从0.04 MPa增大到0.45 MPa,响应函数峰值从0.4增大到1.12,增大了2.8倍,对触发激励压强的变化最为敏感。


    图7 不同触发激励压强下的非线性响应函数

    Fig.7 The curves of the nonlinear response functions at different trigger pressures



    图8 前四阶振荡频率响应函数值变化规律

    Fig.8 The change of the response function value of first four mode frequency


  • (2)触发激励方式对响应函数的影响



    图9 触发激励位置对响应函数的影响

    Fig.9 Effect of the trigger position on the nonlinear response function



  • 5 结 论


    (2)非线性压强耦合响应函数对轴向各阶频率的振荡幅值的变化较为敏感,尤其是峰值频率附近的响应值对振荡幅值变化最为敏感,振荡幅值从0.04 MPa增大到0.45 MPa,响应函数峰值从0.4增大到1.12,增大了2.8倍;


    (责编:张 琪)

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      CHEN Xiao‑long, HE Guo‑qiang, LIU Pei‑jin, et al. Analysis of influencing factors of combustion instability in SRM and current progress[J]. Journal of Solid Rocket Technology, 2009, 32(6): 600-605.

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      刘佩进, 金秉宁, 魏祥庚,等. 固体推进剂非线性压强耦合响应特性分析[J]. 推进技术, 2016, 37(9):1601-1608.

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      LIU Pei‑jin, QI Zhong‑man, JIN Bing‑ning, et al, Experiment comparison of pressure coupled responseof the aluminized composite propellants[J]. Journal of Solid Rocket Technology, 2013, 36(1):83-88.

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      刘佩进, 金秉宁, 李强. 战术导弹固体发动机燃烧不稳定研究概述[J]. 固体火箭技术, 2012, 35(4):446-449.

      LIU Pei‑jin, JIN Bing‑ning, LI Qiang. A survey of combustion instability in tactical SRM[J]. Journal of Solid Rocket Technology, 2012, 35(4):446-449.

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      王宁飞, 张峤, 李军伟,等. 固体火箭发动机不稳定燃烧研究进展[J]. 航空动力学报, 2011, 26(6):1405-1414.

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      Jacob E J. Nonlinear triggering of combustion instability in solid rocket motors[C]//50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition, Nashville, Tennessee,2012.

    • 20

      刘佩进, 何国强, 等. 固体火箭燃烧不稳定及控制技术[M]. 西安:西北工业大学出版社, 2015:94-100.

      LIU Pei‑jin, HE Guo‑qiang, et al. Combustion instability and control technology of solid rocket motor[M]. Xi′an: Northwestern Polytechnical University press, 2015: 94-100.

    • 21

      Quarteroni A, Sacco R, Saleri F. Numerical mathematics[M]. Springer Science & Business Media, 2010: 554-559.

    • 22

      Jacob E J. A study of nonlinear combustion instability[J]. Doctoral Dissertations, 2009: 646.

    • 23

      金秉宁, 刘佩进, 魏祥庚, 等. 基于T型燃烧器的非线性不稳定参数分析[J]. 固体火箭技术, 2016, 39(3): 301-305.

      JIN Bing‑ning, LIU Pei‑jin, WEI Xiang‑geng, et al. Parameter analysis of nonlinear combustion instability based on T‑burner[J].Journal of Solid Rocket Technology, 2016, 39(3): 301-305.


机 构:西北工业大学 燃烧热结构与内流场重点实验室, 陕西 西安 710072

Affiliation:Science and Technology on Combustion, Internal Flow and Thermo‑Structure Laboratory, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi′an 710072, China

邮 箱



机 构:西北工业大学 燃烧热结构与内流场重点实验室, 陕西 西安 710072

Affiliation:Science and Technology on Combustion, Internal Flow and Thermo‑Structure Laboratory, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi′an 710072, China

角 色:通讯作者

Role:Corresponding author

邮 箱



机 构:西北工业大学 燃烧热结构与内流场重点实验室, 陕西 西安 710072

Affiliation:Science and Technology on Combustion, Internal Flow and Thermo‑Structure Laboratory, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi′an 710072, China

propellant sampleAP







burning rate

at 10 MPa










linear oscillation results

first mode


total amplitude p′/MPa



propellant sample

T‑burner pressure


trigger numbernonlinear oscillation results
first mode frequency/Hztotal amplitude p′/MPap′/p)/%
No.trigger pressure p / MPapower mass / gtrigger position

图1 非线性压强耦合响应函数实验装置

Fig.1 The assembling of the experimental system

图2 新型触发激励装置和方式

Fig.2 New trigger device and the way of triggering

表 1 三种固体推进剂配方成分

Table 1 Formulations parameters of three propellant samples

表 2 线性压强耦合响应函数实验测量工况及结果

Table 2 Experimental condition and results of linear pressure coupled response function

图3 三种推进剂线性响应函数结果

Fig.3 Response function results of three propellants

表 3 非线性响应函数测量工况及结果

Table 3 Experimental condition and results of nonlinear pressure coupled response function

图4 三种推进剂非线性响应函数结果 -- a. propellant A

Fig.4 Nonlinear response function results of three propellants -- a. propellant A

图4 三种推进剂非线性响应函数结果 -- b. propellant B

Fig.4 Nonlinear response function results of three propellants -- b. propellant B

图4 三种推进剂非线性响应函数结果 -- c. propellant C

Fig.4 Nonlinear response function results of three propellants -- c. propellant C

表4 非线性实验触发激励实验工况

Table 4 Nonlinear experimental of trigger conditions

图5 触发激励压强对声振幅值的影响

Fig.5 Effectof the trigger pressure on the oscillation amplitude

图6 触发激励位置变化对振荡幅值影响的结果

Fig.6 Effect of the trigger position on the oscillation amplitude

图7 不同触发激励压强下的非线性响应函数

Fig.7 The curves of the nonlinear response functions at different trigger pressures

图8 前四阶振荡频率响应函数值变化规律

Fig.8 The change of the response function value of first four mode frequency

图9 触发激励位置对响应函数的影响

Fig.9 Effect of the trigger position on the nonlinear response function

image /


a. trigger device b. trigger in the middleof the burner














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