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Theoretically and Experimentally Revealed the Response of TNT Crystal to Strong Magnetic Field

1.Xi′an Modern Chemistry Research Institute, Xi′an710065, China;2.School of Physical Sciences,University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230022, China

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    To gain a comprehensive understanding of the properties changes of TNT crystals under strong magnetic field radiation, the morphological changes, the lattice constants and the thermal decomposition characteristic were explored using the scanning electron microscope, X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimeter (DSC), respectively. Moreover, the variations of lattice constants, molecules distributions, mechanical properties and theoretical impact sensitivity of TNT under magnetic field radiation were investigated by molecular dynamics simulations. The experimental results, with the application of 6 T magnetic field, showed that the microscopic morphology was changed from the scale-needle structure to the irregular block structure, and the exothermic peak temperature of thermal decomposition was increased from 289.6 ℃ to 304.1 ℃. However, the crystal phase structure and lattice constants of the TNT remained unchanged. Furthermore, theoretical investigations indicated that the TNT lattice constant not affected by magnetic field radiation, but the magnetic field did change the molecules distribution in the TNT crystal. The 8 T magnetic field radiation significantly improved the ductility of TNT. However, it simultaneously increased the impact sensitivity of TNT by comparing the ratio for the longest trigger bonds.

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REN Hai-chao, JIA Xian-zhen, LIU Rui-peng, et al. Theoretically and Experimentally Revealed the Response of TNT Crystal to Strong Magnetic Field[J]. Chinese Journal of Energetic Materials,2024,32(11):1154-1161.

  • Received:December 27,2023
  • Revised:April 28,2024
  • Adopted:April 22,2024
  • Online: April 26,2024
  • Published: November 25,2024